Upcoming Events
Our Academy programme is based upon three pillars of development which are used to shape and inform the roster of masterclasses, events, workshops, and forums.
Each workshop, masterclass or forum is assigned to a specific pillar, developed to ensure that attendees at all levels and across all functions are given the opportunity to gather a holistic range of knowledge and skills that will support career progression.
Helping individuals connect holistically and harmoniously with their self and individuality in both their professional and personal life.
Helping individuals see how committing to enhancing and evolving both the organisation they work for and the wider industry ecosystem serves the good of the industry and offers benefits to all.
Helping individuals to take ownership of their own career development and professional path.
Introduction to mentoring for mentees
This workshop outlines the key principles of mentoring and, importantly, how to structure your sessions to meet your objectives.
Introduction to mentoring for mentors
Mentoring is a conversation with a purpose. This workshop is designed to outline the key principles of mentoring and, importantly, how to structure your sessions to meet your objectives.
Mentoring for Mentees - Keeping Momentum
Today's session is an opportunity for those who attended our Introduction to Mentoring for Mentees workshop back in March to revisit the key tenets of Mentoring.
Mentoring for Mentors - Keeping Momentum
Today's session is an opportunity for those who attended our Introduction to Mentoring for Mentors workshop back in March to revisit the key tenets of Mentoring.
Mentoring for Mentees - Support Session
A 60-minute session to share your mentoring experiences with other mentees and hear how they are progressing and to review where you are in the mentoring relationship.
Mentoring for Mentors - Support Session
A 60-minute session to share your mentoring experiences with other mentors and hear how they are progressing, to review where you are in the mentoring relationship and to update your mentoring skills.
Leadership Learnings - How to Be the Person Others Want to Follow
While there are many definitions of leadership, my personal favourite is the one described by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall in their book Nine Lies About Work, “there is only one thing that will make you a leader. Followers.” This outcome-oriented definition shifts the focus from the so-called leader to the impact and influence they are having on others.
Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Celebrating our Cognitive Differences
For the final session in a two-part series, City Hive talks with Dr Tony Lloyd, CEO of the ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity. The session is aimed at individuals of all levels who wish to engage in a discussion around neurodiversity.
Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace: A session supporting HR, DEI & Team Leaders
Today’s workplace is fraught with conflict as we bring together individuals from varying professional, family and cultural backgrounds, as well with different communication norms, working habits, and professional experience.
Turning Conflict into Constructive Conversation
Today’s workplace is fraught with conflict as we bring together individuals from varying professional, family and cultural backgrounds, as well with different communication norms, working habits, and professional experience.
Vocal Confidence P2. Creating Presence & Impact
We welcome you to join us and Executive Voice, Accent, and Communications Coach, Sylvie Lui (Founder of SLVC Voice Training in London), for this follow-up session.
Introduction to Vocal & Communications Confidence
We welcome you to join us and Executive Voice, Accent, and Communications Coach, Sylvie Lui (Founder of SLVC Voice Training in London), to discuss and learn more about using our voices with confidence and communicating more effectively with our audiences.
Mentee Session P2: Keeping Momentum & Troubleshooting
While there are many definitions of leadership, my personal favourite is the one described by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall in their book Nine Lies About Work, “there is only one thing that will make you a leader. Followers.” This outcome-oriented definition shifts the focus from the so-called leader to the impact and influence they are having on others.
Mentee Session P2: Keeping Momentum & Troubleshooting
In this session, we will revisit your objectives to ensure you are on track and using your mentor to maximum effect, including giving and receiving effective feedback. We will also set time aside for a troubleshooting Q&A.
Inspiring & Influencing Others through Storytelling
Influencing & inspiring others have never been easy. In an age of disruption, reorganisation & an overload of ‘information’ that challenge is harder than ever. Especially in the age of AI, it’s important to remind ourselves what makes us human - it’s connection, emotion & the desire to find meaning in what we do.
Mentor Session P2: Advanced Listening Techniques & Troubleshooting
This workshop is a check in session, following our Introduction to Mentoring workshop back in April.
In this session, we will revisit objectives to ensure you are both on track. We will further explore Rapport Building and Developing Trust; Listening Techniques; Setting Direction models and Solution Focused approaches.
Mentor Session P2: Advanced Listening Techniques & Troubleshooting
This workshop is a check in session, following our Introduction to Mentoring workshop back in April.
What were the original goals and career objectives your mentee hoped to explore and develop? How are they progressing? What has gone well and less well?
Introduction to Mentoring for Mentors
As a mentor, you might guide your mentee in identifying and achieving professional goals, develop their soft skills and/or advise on workplace challenges. This session is designed to outline the key principles of mentoring and the best strategies available to help mentors effect real change.
Take Charge of your Career Pt 2. Time, Focus & Energy
Where are you now in your career and where do you want to get to? Does how you focus your time and energy reflect this? Are you performing at a level appropriate to your job description, focusing on your priorities, or do you spend your precious time attending to other people’s urgent demands. What distracts you from your priorities? Could it be the 330 billion emails that are sent every single day and the hours and hours of meetings?
Take Charge of your Career Part One: Getting to the next level
Where do you want to get to in your career? Is anything holding you back? Career success comes when you flip your focus away from yourself and instead focus on the problems that you, uniquely, solve for others. What problems do you solve?
Make ‘The Person You Are’ Your Competitive Advantage
Looking elsewhere for inspiration can sometimes be tricky as it takes us further away from who we are, what we have to offer, and how we’re at our best. Leaning into what you value, and the experiences you’ve had (the positive and the negative) is what makes you unique. The irony is the more you’re honest about the ‘face’ you’re sharing with the others, the more others like you and want to connect with you.
Introduction to Mentoring for Mentees
Mentoring is a conversation with a purpose. This workshop is designed to outline the key principles of mentoring and, importantly, how to structure your sessions to meet your objectives.
Your mentor will have experience and knowledge of the Financial Services industry. They are here to help you identify and achieve professional goals, develop soft skills and to advise on workplace challenges. We will discuss all this and more in this workshop.
Harnessing Happiness: How to be Happy at Work
Happiness & our ‘work’ are often viewed to be at odds. Given how much time we spend in ‘work’ mode - whether that be virtually, in an office or hybrid - think about what a game changer it would be, if we changed that assumption or mindset. Furthermore, science informs us that increasing our happiness leads to improved performance in addition to an array of health & relationship benefits. The bottom line is that happiness makes business sense as well – it impacts the bottom line.
Fund Boards and the Role of Independent Non-Executive Directors Panel
Join City Hive Founder and Co-CEO, Chair and NED, Bev Shah, Shiv Taneja (CEO Fund Boards Council), Sally Bridgeland (Chair and NED) and Simon Ellis (Chair and NED)